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中小型水力發(fā)電工程地質(zhì)勘察 共有 46 個詞條內(nèi)容

5.6 Natural construction materials

    5.6.1 Learn about types, distributions, occurrence conditions andreserves of natural construction materials nearby a cascadedhydropower station, as well as the conditions of exploitation andtransportation.5.6.2 For material source sites needed for a proje...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


5.7 lnvestigation report

    5.7.1 The geological investigation report at planning stage shallcover the introduction, general regional geology, engineeringgeological zoning of planned river or its reach, engineeringgeological conditions, natural construction materials, conclusions,su...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


6.1 General requirements

    6.1.1 In engineering geological investigation at pre-feasibilitystudy stage, the typical dam site shall be selected on the basis ofcomprehensive utilization planning of river or river reach or ofhydropower development, and further engineering geologicalve...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


6.2 Regional tectonic stability

    6.2.1 Regional tectonic stability study shall cover the followingcontents.(1) Regional tectonic setting.(2) Regional tectonic activity in the project area or nearby field.(3) Determination of seismic ground motion parameters andrespective basic seismic in...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


6.3 Reservoir

    6.3.1 Investigation for a reservoir area shall cover the followingcontents.(1) Preliminarily ascertain the basic geological conditions, andanalyze major potential engineering geological problems.(2) Preliminarily ascertain the hydrogeological conditions a...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


6.4 Dam site

    6.4.1 Dam site investigation shall cover the following contents.(1) Preliminarily identify the thickness of quaternary sediment inriverbed and both banks, the burial depth of bedrock surface,especially the distribution of collapsible loess, soft soil, exp...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


6.5 Headrace route

    6.5.1 Headrace tunnel route investigation shall cover the followingcontents.(1) Preliminarily identify the topography, physical geologicalphenomena and its distribution along the tunnel route.(2) Preliminarily identify stratigraphy and rock type of outcro...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


6.6 Powerhouse site

    6.6.1 Surface powerhouse site investigation shall cover thefollowing contents.(1) Preliminarily identify the conditions as below, topography, rockweathering and relaxation, as well as distribution and stability oflandslide, collapse accumulation mass, cre...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


6.7 Flood-discharge structures

    6.7.1 Investigation in flood discharge structure area shall cover thefollowing contents.(1) Preliminarily identify topography, geomorphy, stratigraphy androck type, geological structure, geophysical phenomena andhydrogeological conditions, with emphasis o...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


6.8 Natural construction materials

    6.8.1 On the basis of general investigation of natural constructionmaterials, preliminary investigation shall be conducted on the mainmaterial sources required by typical dam type and the material typeand source that plays an important role in scheme sele...[繼續(xù)閱讀]

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